VeVe tried her first balloon video in May 2012. It featured her wearing a bikini and black, sheer reinforced toe pantyhose. She had planned to meet up with a new male video victim for a planned shoot, but he cancelled at the last minute. So, a bag of balloons saved the day and proved a great way for her to channel the moment's frustration.
This kicked off VeVe's balloon body of work.
The original, official clip information posted is:
Balloon Squeeze and Pop with VeVe Lane
Filmed May 2012
VeVe Lane vs the Balloons: VeVe's first balloon squeezing and popping video!
Throughout this clip, VeVe squeezes and explodes 7 balloons, using scissors, bearhugs, arm squeezes, and even a foot press. VeVe uses slow, sensual squeezing to show the tension she is exerting on the balloons. She teases each balloon with trial squeezes before moving in for the finish on each one.
At the Petite Powerhouse studio:
A very short 24-second trailer for this was also posted to youtube:
Annoyed at being stood up for a date, VeVe takes some frustration out on these unfortunate balloons."